This program is provided for clients who are identified through the Intake Interview Program or when a Louisian student is referred by a faculty, fellow student, parent/guardian or other units/departments/institutions within or outside SLU. If you wish to refer a fellow Louisian in need of counseling, you can download our referral form here:

Our counseling sessions are conducted either in-person or through secure online video conferencing, depending on your preference and convenience. We understand that taking the first step towards seeking help can be daunting, which is why we strive to create a comfortable atmosphere where you can feel heard, understood, and empowered to make positive changes in your life. Louisians can schedule an appointment through this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSet6IgsKedzALf-q1K7fhesXywAg-T6n-UftJ6PEGfKKyEELA/viewform
This service is given to those in need of assistance regarding their research tasks and/or other projects which involve the knowledge and expertise of the CCW staff.
For inquiries or requests regarding these services and program, you can email us at ccwdir@slu.edu.ph
INFORMATION SERVICE: The CCW staff is open to invitations as resource speaker/s or facilitators on topics related to human behavior such as but not limited to personality enhancement, leadership, coping with stress, team building, study habits, conflict management, and career guidance.
INFORMATION PROGRAM: This program aims to provide relevant information to students/pupils and parents/guardians through various materials and activities that are carefully designed by the CCW staff. These include the following:
Anti-Bullying Campaign
Is composed of different activities, whether online and/or face-to-face, lined up to raise awareness on the issue of bullying. Take a stand, safeguard and promote the welfare of all Louisians. If you are being bullied or have witnessed someone being bullied, don’t hesitate to seek assistance from your Guidance Associates, Guidance Counselors and/or School Psychologists or alert any person in authority.
Gabay Series Program
This program provides self-enrichment face-to-face or online activities such as seminar-workshops, talks, and other activities to cater to the students’ various psychosocial needs not met by academic classroom exposure.
Growth and Instruction For The Exceptionally Distinct (GIFTED)
A program that caters to students who are considered distinct and exceptional in various fields, aims to ensure that gifted students of the University are given the best possible opportunities for growth and development. The program assists the gifted student identify, face, and cope effectively with problems and issues that might hinder them from reaching their full potential.
Kaagabay Series Program
Involves a collaboration between the CCW and the parents/guardians of Louisian students with the right and necessary tools in aiding their children to succeed in college.
Lingap para sa mga Anak ng OFWs Program
This aims to provide Louisian OFW dependent students with face-to-face or online focused group discussions, and other activities that can assist them in navigating through the challenges of being sons and daughters of OFW parents. It also intends to intensify Christian values that will influence positive relationships with family members left behind, with their OFW parent/s, with themselves, and with God.
For inquiries or requests regarding these services and program, you can email us at ccwdir@slu.edu.ph
The School Psychologists, Guidance Counselors and Guidance Associates respond to the immediate psychosocial needs of students, families, and special groups brought about by unfortunate traumatic or critical events.
For inquiries or requests regarding these services and program, you can email us at ccwdir@slu.edu.ph
This program focuses on educating the Louisian community on the importance of mental well-being. Resources and activities are designed and implemented to help clients improve their mental well-being.

This website contains resources Louisian students, parents and/or guardians can use to support their mental health.
CCW also caters to Louisian students who are in need of further referral to experts. This is to ensure that students are able to get the appropriate and necessary help they need.
For inquiries or requests regarding these services and program, you can email us at ccwdir@slu.edu.ph
TESTING SERVICE: The Psychological Testing Unit (PTU) accommodates requests from various units in the university for a psychological assessment of a referred client or student. The results of these tests are utilized in the decision-making process of the requesting units and/or to provide recommendations for and/or appropriate assistance to the referred student/client.
TESTING PROGRAM: Different psychological tests are administered to the different grade and year levels. The test results are interpreted and explained to the students/pupils in order to help them better understand themselves.
The main goal of this program is to help students prepare themselves in choosing a career and entering the world of work.
The CCW provides Guidance Academic Intervention (GAI) programs that are intended to help students deal with their academic struggles. The Life Enrichment Program (LEP) and/or Counseling Program. The LEP aims to help students through various activities to deal with non-academic difficulties such as personal, social and/or emotional concerns, recognize their skills, and enhance their potential in order for them to better cope with academic demands while the Counseling Program provides you with an opportunity to talk to your Guidance Associates, Guidance Counselors and/or School Psychologists to have a better grasp of yourself and your situation, and cultivate an informed plan of action. This program also assists students to come up with informed choices on their desire to shift to another program. Conditionally Admitted Transfer Applicants from Committee Deliberation (CD) and also caters to Students with Unique Learning Needs (SULN).

Rooted Together for Strength and Impact
Project Sequioa is an intentional mentoring program where Louisian volunteers are trained to provide help to their peers by listening and offering emotional support.

- The Center for Counselling and Wellness has a program specifically for Students with Special Needs aimed at facilitating the smooth transition of learners with varying needs to their new environment with its share of demands and responsibilities. If you are one of these, do not hesitate to come to the Center for Counselling and Wellness and tell us about it.
- Through Psychological Support and Crisis Intervention, the Guidance Associates/Guidance Counselors and School Psychologists respond to the immediate psychosocial needs of students, families, and special groups brought about by unfortunate traumatic or critical events.
- Intake Interview. First year students who need assistance in adjustment to their college life and determining how they can adapt to their new environment and what support may be best given to them.
Contact Information
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Email Us
(063)(074) 444-8246 to 48 Local 222 Mobile Number: 0926-847-2959
(063)(074) 442-6321 Mobile Number: 0926-847-2961
ccwdir@slu.edu.ph / slu_ccw@slu.edu.ph
Follow us, too, on Social Media Accounts:
SLU Center for Counseling and Wellness Facebook Page

Our official Facebook Page includes announcements and relevant postings that can aid students in their academic journey and holistic development. You may also send us a message if you have inquiries or concerns.
SLU Center for Counseling and Wellness Twitter Account