The School of Teacher Education and Liberal Arts (STELA) is envisioned as an institution for excellence in Teacher and Liberal Arts Education committed to the CICM mission of education of “missio et excellentia” in the formation and training of competent, creative, socially-involved professionals imbued with Christian Spirit.
- To enhance learners in their Christian philosophy of education, cognizant of the dignity of an individual
- To enrich the sense of responsibility, sensitivity for others, and inclusivity in the spirit of CICM mission of inculcating understanding and brotherhood to all, especially the poor and the non-Christian
- To provide the learners with the knowledge and skills that promote creativity, critical thinking, and scholarly research needed for national development
- To innovate mediums and resources to operate as a self-reliant unit and sustain long-term growth and development
- To cultivate in the students the appreciation of diversity, order and beauty, scientific outlook, and deep sense of national identity and cultural historicity
- To instill in students the love for and commitment to excellence in both intellectual and moral excellence to sustain their dedication to their profession
- To cultivate relevant knowledge and skills needed in the real world
- To mold missionary disciples who are socially aware and responsive to the needs of the family, church, and society
- Bachelor of Arts in Communication
- Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy
- Bachelor of Arts in Political Science
- Bachelor of Elementary Education
- Bachelor of Physical Education
- Bachelor of Science in Psychology
- Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education major in
- English
- Filipino
- Math
- Science
- Social Studies
- Bachelor of Special Needs Education
- Bachelor of Science in Social Work
- Certificate in Teaching
STELA Auxiliary Unit
Inclusive Education Resource Center
The center caters to learners with unique learning needs. It provides academic and auxiliary support services specially to students with visual impairment. Production of learning materials for students with visual impairment are given priority. The different units and departments of the University work cooperatively to determine appropriate capacitating activities that will eliminate learning barriers and promote collaborative learning in receiving classrooms of students with visual impairments. It has four basic elements namely (1) curriculum plus skills training for students, (2.) training in addressing students’ learning needs in receiving classrooms for teachers, (3) parenting children with visual impairments for parents or guardians, and 4) producing brailled educational materials.
Location: Perfecto Building, Room 407
STELA Contact Information
Locate Us
4F Waldo Perfecto Building,
SLU Main Campus, A. Bonifacio St.
2600 Baguio City, Philippines
Call Us
+(63) (74) 442 2793
+(63) (74) 442 2193
+(63) (74) 442 3043
+(63) (74) 443 2001
+(63) 953 134 9220
+(63) 938 757 7842
Dean’s Office
Dean: local 354
Secretary: local 220
Associate Deans: local 220
Department Heads: local 316, 350, or 223
Languages and International Studies Unit: local 353
Email Us