Saint Louis University (SLU) hosted the two-day MATATAG Curriculum Trainers Training from 11 to 12 April 2024, in line with the Third MATATAG Regional Run titled, “Capacitating the Private Education Sector for the Effective Implementation of the MATATAG Curriculum” organized by the Catholic Educational Association of the Philippines (CEAP), Coordinating Council for Private Educational Associations (COCOPEA), and in partnership with REX Education and Department of Education (DepEd).
Held at the Prince Bernhard Gym, Fr. Burgos Building, SLU Main Campus, the summit gathered about 400 delegates composed of educational leaders, educators, and representatives from Regions 1, 2, and CAR, including distinguished speakers and representatives from the Department of Education (DepEd).

As the master of ceremonies, Prof. Andrew Macalma, set the tone and formally opened the event by ushering in the welcome remarks of Rev. Fr. Gilbert B. Sales, CICM, PhD, SLU President, CEAP-CAR Regional Trustee, and Private Education Assistance Committee (PEAC) CAR Regional Program Director, where he expressed his utmost gratitude to DepEd, COCOPEA, CEAP, and REX Education for their support in the implementation of the MATATAG Curriculum.

“I am elated to welcome you all to Saint Louis University – the home of the Catholic Educational Association of the Philippines and of the Private Education Assistance Committee in the Cordillera Administrative Region. Your presence in this two-day summit signifies your devotion and commitment to your teaching vocation in providing Quality Basic Education. We are here, inspired and challenged to provide the best services for our valued clienteles – the learners and their parents.” Fr. Sales stated.

Rex Education, through the message of Ms. Jeanne Marie F. Tordesillas, its Chief Marketing Officer, expressed eagerness to strengthen their relationships with educational sectors through this event, and to fully commit to the proper and smooth implementation of the MATATAG Curriculum.
The signing of the Commitment Board led by Dr. Joselito Gutierrez, LPT, PhD, Executive Assistant to the SLU President; Dr. Felina Espique, PhD, SLU Vice President for Academic Affairs; and Ms. Tordesillas followed right after. Afterwhich, Dr. Gutierrez and Dr. Espique were presented with Certificates of Recognition recognizing SLU as the host of the Third Regional Run of the MATATAG Curriculum Summit.

For the first plenary session, Mr. Francis Jim Tuscano, EdTech Coordinator of Xavier School San Juan, discussed his topic, “General Shaping Paper of the MATATAG Curriculum” highlighting the features and learning principles behind the curriculum, including the curriculum review findings.
Fr. Albert N. Delvo, PhD, CEAP President and COCOPEA Chairperson, then delivered a short message of appreciation, followed by updates regarding the future curriculum. He also gave a brief discussion regarding the implementation of the MATATAG curriculum , along with concerns moving forward.

Mr. Tuscano then resumed with his discussion, “21st-Century Skills in the MATATAG Curriculum” that focused on the articulation of the 21st-Century skills framework anchored into the new curriculum. On the delivery of the curriculum and the development of the said skills, he emphasized that the implementation of the curriculum should be timely and innovative, tailored to the needs and gaps within our current systems.
For the third plenary session, Dr. Marife T. Morcilla, PhD, Project Development Officer V, National Educators Academy of the Philippines (NEAP), delved on “Collaborative Expertise” in terms of the planning and implementation of the Learning Action Cells (LAC) as part of the MATATAG Curriculum. Since LAC sessions focus on preparing teaching materials and developing teaching strategies, she emphasized that school leaders play a crucial role in harnessing expertise within schools.
The breakout sessions commenced after the plenary sessions where participants dispersed to their assigned rooms from either the Otto Hahn Building or Jose P. Rizal Building, accompanied by their respective facilitators from the Edukampyon MATATAG Corps of Trainers.

On the second day of the summit, 12 April 2024, the program resumed at the Prince Bernhard Gym, Fr. Burgos Building, SLU Main Campus, and commenced with a message of gratitude from Hon. Gina O. Gonong, Undersecretary for Curriculum and Instruction, Department of Education.
“I hope that through various in-service training and professional work opportunities such as this event, we are able to build a better understanding and appreciation of the MATATAG Curriculum. Again, thank you to our committed teachers and administrators who will be the main implementers of the new curriculum. Salamat po sa inyong lahat.” Hon. Gonong remarked.

For the seventh plenary session, Prof. Emmanuel C. Manalang, College of Education, University of the Philippines, discussed the “MATATAG Instructional Design Framework” where he expounded on the overview and significance of having a polished and proper instructional framework to ensure the effectiveness of the implementation of the new curriculum. Prof. Manalang also discussed the curriculum revision process that the MATATAG Curriculum went through, along with the key aspects in curriculum development.
Before proceeding to the next plenary session, another set of breakout sessions were conducted for Pedagogy and Assessment, facilitated by representatives from Edukampyon MATATAG Corps of Trainers.
The last plenary session concluded with Louie Cagasan’s topic on “Learning Progressions and Prerequisites”, where he discussed the foundation of a high-quality learning progression and the importance of aligning the curriculum, instruction, and assessment into a coherent system to promote productive learning. After his discussion, clarifications and concerns were raised and answered.
Concluding the summit, Mrs. Ria Francis A. Robles, CEAP-CAR Representative, and Learning Area Coordinator of Languages for SLU, provided a detailed summary together with invaluable takeaways from the two-day event. Mrs. Robles also talked about creating a culture of sustainable change in the school community, and harnessing a strong “growth mindset” not only within the learners but also the instructors.
The MATATAG Curriculum Trainers Training is aligned with United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 4 (Quality Education) and 17 (Partnership for the Goals). It also affirms the CICM advocacy of Justice Peace and Integrity of Creation, as well as the CEAP-JEEPGY values of Engaged Citizenship and Youth Empowerment. (Article by Antonio Lim, Jr., UIO Intern | Photos by Justhine Plana and Keen Oviedo, UIO Interns)