Atty. Leni Robredo, esteemed group of experts inspire in first ACUP Youth Gathering in SLU

“Look for the spaces that are available for us and fill out those spaces.” This was the encouragement posed by Atty. Maria Leonor ‘Leni’ Robredo, Chairperson and President of Angat Buhay and Former Vice President of the Philippines, to student-leaders during her keynote address on the second day of ‘Tayo-Tayo: The Youth’s Involvement in Solidarity and Social Transformation’ (Tayo-Tayo).

SLU participates in Climate Change book launch

The CICM and Saint Louis University (SLU) had a long-standing record of being a strong ally and promoter of Environmental Preservation, Climate Change, Human Rights, and Laudato Si. Rev Fr. Gilbert B. Sales, CICM, PhD, SLU President, forged an alliance with the Dominicans for Justice and Peace in promoting the handbook Climate Change and Human Rights Education for Youth in the Philippines.