The main objective of the workshop is to come up with research proposals that are intended to rehabilitate abandoned mining sites in Camp 6, Tublay, Kibungan, Kapangan, and Atok.
Program Mining Innovations in Environmental and Sustainability (MINAS) in CAR wherein, Saint Louis University was identified to be the program leader due to its qualifications as an academic institution. The overall research program proposal is composed of three suggested project components, which are the following:
Project 1: Framework for Final Mine Rehabilitation and Decommissioning for Minahang Bayan in CAR
Project leader: UPB
Proposed Sites: Minahang Bayan in CAR
Project 2: Development of New and Ecological Technologies to Clean the Environment and Harness Mineral Resources
Project leader: SLU
Members: BSU (Forestry, Ag Eng) UC, UPB, DENR-MGB CAR
Project 3: Carrying Capacity Assessment of Eco-Tourism Sites in Mining Areas
Project Lead: WWRRDEC
Members: SLU, UPB, DENR-MGB CAR, DENR- EMB CAR, and BSU, Benguet Corp.