by Office of the Student Affairs and Services
Convening student leaders throughout the university, the Saint Louis University Supreme Student Council (SLU-SSC) gathered for a two-day conference for SUMKAD: The Louisian Summit 4.0 at the SLU Dorm Residence Hall last 27 and 28 April 2023 in order to develop their leadership skills and provide solutions to persistent challenges.
Photo Courtesy: SLU Stellaris
The first day of the activity is an introduction to the Magna Carta of Students, followed by a discussion on Indigenous People’s Rights and Resolution Writing. Meanwhile, the second day was a forum on Women Empowerment, Mental Health, and Curriculum Alignment.
Photo Courtesy: SLU Stellaris
The SLU Supreme Student Council presented the first draft of the Magna Carta of Students, a project spanning five administrations, allowing opportunities for student leaders’ feedback with the first written draft accomplished this academic year.
In line with the SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions and the CICM Advocacy on Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation, the Louisian Summit 4.0 recognizes the right to expression, right to mental health and to be free from violence, such as violence directed to women.