Cultivating lifelong quality management systems and learning processes, SLU conducted the 2023-2024 Midyear Management Review (MMR) with the heads of offices of the Academic, Administration, Audit, Finance, Hospital, and Mission and Identity clusters, organized through the Office of Institutional Development and Quality Assurance (OIDQA), on 27 to 28 February 2024 at the Fr. Francis Gevers Hall.
In his opening remarks, Rev. Fr. Gilbert B. Sales, CICM, noted the importance of reflecting on the goals and plans set before the year if they have been achieved. “As we reflect on our accomplishments, it is imperative that we take stock of our direction: Are we moving in the direction we outlined at the middle of the year?,” Fr. Sales said.
With shifting student interests, evolving demands of the workforce, and the needs of the economic landscape, it is essential that we begin to anticipate and prepare for the challenges, fostering an environment of adaptability. “Inclusivity, agility, and responsiveness are emerging terms we must reflect upon if we want to remain relevant as an institution in the coming years. We must remain cognizant and agile in our response to thrive in an ever-changing world. Together there’s no limit to what we can achieve,” Rev. Fr. Sales added.

Mr. Hector L. Martin, the Director of OIDQA, set the tone and pace of the event at hand by presenting the status of actions from the previous Annual Performance Review and Evaluation (APRE). “Are we really there? Are we ready?,” Mr. Martin asked as he reported on the Quality Management Systems (QMS) Issues and Concerns and the summary findings on the monitoring of external and internal QMS issues.

Day 1 centers on performance review and QMS evaluation
The Director of the Office of Student Affairs and Services, Ms. Triceayn Marie D. Prestousa then gave an account of the status of QMS Documents and Records, noting the summary of documents accomplished, deleted, working, and revised.
Mr. Riane Kenneth G. Gengania of OIDQA gave reminders for the units to update their QMS Google Site and submit accomplishment reports in line with institutional requirements.
Transitioning to customer satisfaction and feedback relevant to the offices, Dr. Richel L. Lamadrid, the Director of the University Research and Innovation Center (URIC), shared the results of three satisfaction surveys taken from the SLU students, employees, parents/guardians, visitors, and alumni: the Customer Service Survey, the Flexible Learning Survey, and the Student Satisfaction Survey.

Dr. Stephenie O. Busbus, Chair of Institutional Reputation and Effectiveness Committee, presented the results from the third-party Institutional Reputation and Effectiveness (IRE) survey and feedback from the students’ comments and observations that are significant in improving the University’s QMS.
Meanwhile, Dr. Geraldine S. Wakat, Chair of the Institutional and Program Assessment and Accreditation Committee, took over with the Progress Report of External Quality Assurance like the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools, Colleges and Universities (PAASCU), the ASEAN University Network-Quality Assurance (AUNQA), and others.

The presentations on Quality Objective Monitoring (QOM) and overall performance results commenced. Reports were done by cluster representatives and included QMS Updates, Performance Review, and Proposed Actions:
- Mission and Identity Cluster: Ms. Koshia Marie C. Rosete, Secretary, Office of the Vice President for Mission and Identity
- Hospital Cluster: Dr. Paul Adlai B. Quitiquit, Hospital Administrator of the SLU Sacred Heart Medical Center
- Finance Cluster: Mr. Joseph Ong, AMICO Officer
- Internal Audit Cluster: Mr. Edward N. Kidayan, Internal Auditor
- Administration Cluster: Atty. Johanne Margarette R. Macob, Director of the Office for Legal Affairs (OLA) and the Head of the University Information Office (UIO)
- Academic Cluster: Dr. Mary Pauline E. Namoca, RPsy, LPT, Dean of the School of Teacher Education and Liberal Arts

After the cluster review, Dr. Robert M. Arguelles, the Vice President for Finance, discussed the Financial Performance Report for AY 2022-2023. Mr. Kidayan followed with the initial audit results and schedule, the status of requests for action, and an update on the control of nonconformities and corrective action that will help improve office operations.
Mr. Jeffrey James V. Gamit, Director of the Campus Planning, Maintenance & Security Department (CPMSD), then gave the Performance of External Providers report, followed by a walkthrough on the Bidding Implementation Procedures in securing maintenance services.
The Director of Human Resources Department, Ms. Geraldine B. Sanil; Vice President for Administration, Atty. Shellah Yzanne P. Merced; Director for TMDD/Data Protection Officer, Dr. Cecilia A. Mercado; and VP for Finance Mr. Arguelles then put forward significant data on the Adequacy of Resources in terms of human resources, offices, infrastructure, ICT records, and financial resources, which ended the first day of MMR.

Day 2 highlights discussions on Risks, OFIs, and Annual Operation Plan for AY 2024-2025
In Day 2, the clusters discussed and reviewed the Action Plan, SWOT, Risk Register, and the Customer Feedback documents from the previous reports. To address the pressing needs, a workshop was conducted to address Risks and Opportunity for Improvement (OFI) that will contribute to the crafting of the Annual Operational Plan for A.Y. 2024-2025.
In the afternoon, Mr. Martin spearheaded the finalization and reading of the proposed resolutions and projects that were documented for approval by Fr. Sales. The clustered were reminded that OIDQA is in charge of monitoring that each unit accomplishes the proposed projects.

In addressing hindering factors, critical factors, and comments by the Louisian student community, Mr. Martin emphasized the importance of reviewing both the internal and external systems for a smooth university operation. “The brainstorming of the different clusters will provide the operation with strategic inputs. The next step is to conduct the annual management review again by June or July to see the progress. It’s part of the cycle; we do, then we re-check, we evaluate, then we plan again.” Mr. Martin said.
The two-day MMR closed with a Thanksgiving Mass led by Fr. Sales, CICM, Rev. Fr. Emery Mwako Ebumea, CICM, and Rev. Fr. Emanuel Enjang Pranatal.