Saint Louis University – Sacred Heart Medical Center (SLU SHMC) was recently recognized for completing the distinguished Becton Dickinson-Joint Commission International (BD-JCI) PRIME (Preventing Risks of Infections and Medication Errors) Program at the virtual event, “BD PRIME Time 2024”, on 18 October 2024.
Witnessed by hospitals from Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines, SLU-SHMC received a plaque of recognition, signifying its commitment to maintaining the highest standards of healthcare excellence and its dedication to continuous quality improvement in patient care, operational efficiency, and safety. The award was received by the key hospital leaders, including OIC-Office of the Hospital Administrator, Dr. Myrna M. Espiritu; Medical Director, Dr. Danilo Jr. Flores; OIC Chief Nurse Fidel Bautista; School of Advanced Studies (SAS) Graduate Program Coordinator (GPC) for the Nursing Program, Mark Job G. Bascos, PhD; and Aldren R. Remon, PhD, Patient Experience Head.
A key factor in SLU-SHMC’s success is its ongoing partnership with SLU’s School of Nursing, Allied Health and Biological Sciences (SONAHBS) Nursing Program, and Becton Dickenson Inc. This collaboration underscores the importance of practice, academe, and industry partnerships in delivering exceptional care and achieving accreditation milestones. “This accomplishment is a testament to the dedication, collaboration, and commitment of our entire hospital team,” Dr. Remon said as he led the presentation.

John Yoon, JCI Asia Pacific Managing Director, concluded the program by saying, “You are not just practitioners, but leaders and innovators. Your impact will be felt worldwide, and your contributions will shape the future of healthcare.”
JCI, a globally recognized organization, accredits healthcare institutions worldwide, ensuring they meet rigorous international standards for quality and safety.
This achievement marks a significant milestone for SLU-SHMC and reinforces the institution’s broader mission of improving health outcomes. It aligns with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3, which promotes good health and well-being for all, and SDG 17, which emphasizes the need for partnerships in achieving sustainable healthcare development. Through this accomplishment, SLU-SHMC continues to create a safe, comfortable, and qualified healthcare environment that embodies the CICM Advocacy of Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation (JPIC).
(Article by Ray Miguel De Jesus, SLU-SHMC OPE Intern | Photos by Ma. Trishabel Cabico, SLU-SHMC OPE Intern)