With its mission and advocacy to strengthen the university’s Quality Assurance mechanism and remain steadfast in its strategic goals and directions, Saint Louis University (SLU) sent two of its administrative officials, Dr. Joselito C. Gutierrez, Executive Assistant to the President; and Mr. Hector L. Martin, Director of the Office of Institutional Development and Quality Assurance (OIDQA), to the 2024 AUN-QA (Asean University Network – Quality Assurance) International Conference in Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam from 11–14 December 2024.
As the largest AUN-QA annual conference, the event gathered experts and practitioners to discuss topics pertaining to database utilization, future-ready quality cultures, the standards of the AUN-QA assessment, and on how to advance quality assurance in the ASEAN region most especially for all AUN-QA member institutions.
Dr. Gutierrez and Mr. Martin also joined the special meeting set for the Chief Quality Officers to discuss the future directions of AUN-QA.
After the conference, a special general assembly for all AUN-QA Assessors was attended by Dr. Gutierrez, who was given an assignment to assess a university in Thailand this coming January 2025.
In line with the vision of Rev. Fr. Gilbert B. Sales, CICM, PhD, University President, to make SLU more visible in international academic maps, the University is set to have its first four programs assessed this year by the ASEAN University Network – Quality Assurance (AUN-QA). The programs from the School of Natural Sciences, Allied Health, and Biological Sciences (SONAHBS) include the Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Science, Pharmacy, Nursing, and Radiologic Technology.
This engagement is aligned to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 4 on providing quality education and 17 partnerships for the goals; the CICM thrust on Justice; and SLU core values on competence and creativity. (Article by JCGutierrez) | Photos from AUN QA official archives)