On September 21 to 23, 2022, Saint Louis University participated in the TRUST Project Meeting and Study Visit at the University of Studies Guglielmo Marconi, Rome, Italy, along with other partner- Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) from Vietnam and the Philippines, namely, Mapua University and the University of Cebu, as well as the Industry Partner Fintech Philippines Association represented by its current Trustee and past Chairman Mr. Jove Tapiador.
The TRUST (Financial Technology and digital innovation to modernize and develop cUrricula of Vietnamese and the Philippines UniversiTies) Project is a transnational venture and a European Project funded by the Erasmus Plus programme at capacity building in the area of Finance and Technology in the Asian Universities. By participating in the three-day convergence, all TRUST partners reaffirmed their commitment to improving the quality of higher education in Vietnam and the Philippines in FINancial TECHnology and digital innovation-FINTECH to answer the emergent workforce need of the future Financial Services industry.
University of Studies Guglielmo Marconi (USGM) Welcomes SLU and other TRUST Project Partners
The first day of the TRUST Project Meeting and Study Visit was highlighted by a presentation on the overview of the most important USGM research challenges under the framework of the Horizon 2020 program. It centered on the university’s contribution to developing renewable energy technologies, which is the backbone of the EU energy system by 2030 and 2050. The presentation was given by Prof. Enrico Bucci, Full Professor of “Electrochemical and Thermochemical Conversion Systems”, “Advanced Traction Systems Management”, “Electrical Engineering,” and the Director of the Laboratory of Applied Science & Technology at Guglielmo Marconi University.
The day also included visits to the Guglielmo Marconi Multimedia Studios and the USGM Laboratory of Applied Science and Technology.

Challenges and Opportunities of FinTech: An International Workshop by the TRUST Project
Day two of the TRUST Project conclave featured the international workshop, “Challenges and opportunities of FinTech: critical insights from academic and industry perspectives.” The noteworthy talks and presentations strengthened the synergy among the participants. Prof. Alessandro Gennaro, Associate Professor of “Corporate Finance” at GMU, shared perspectives on the issues about the present and future of Fintech. This talk was then followed by a discussion on the Regulatory Analysis of FinTech by Prof. Valerio Lemma, Full Professor of “Economic Law” at GMU, and “Fintech vs. Traditional Banks: Regulatory Challenges and Business Perspective” by Prof. Gianfranco Antonio Vento, Full Professor of “Banking and Finance” at Guglielmo Marconi University
Other vital conversations focused on “Robo Advisory” by Dr. Francesco Rainini, Digital Acceleration Leader, “Opportunities of Fintech in fast-growing markets” by Dr. Davide Salviani, and “The TRUST Journey: An Industry Perspective on Challenges and Opportunities for Fintech Education” by Mr. Jove Tapiador, Fintech Philippines Association.

First Impact’s Assessment: Modernization of Existing Masters and Delivery of the New Master in Fintech
The TRUST Project’s specific objectives include designing and developing a master’s in FINancial TECHnology and digital innovation (FINTECH) and modernizing other masters of Business and Economics with specific content on FINancial TECHnology in Vietnam and Philippine universities. On the last day of the TRUST project meeting, each Asian HEI gave their respective presentations. These universities include Saint Louis University, University of Cebu, Mapua University, University of Economics and Business of Vietnam National University, Hue College of Economics, and Ho Chi Minh City Open University.
SLU reported key updates on its MFintech Program, with an opening slated on January 2023. A virtual evaluation was conducted by the Technical Panel for Business and Management Education together with CHED’s Central and Regional office representatives.
The next TRUST Project Meeting to be attended by SLU Delegates will be hosted by the University of Belgrade in Serbia on December 6-10, 2022.
For the first time, the TRUST Project merges EU and South Asian HEIs and enterprises of the Financial Services Sector/FinTech startups to promote the HE modernization, curriculum development, and quality improvement of HE in the Partner Countries, enhancing its relevance for the Financial Services labor market. The modernization of the HE programs on FINTECH in VN and PH will answer the partner countries’ needs of the HE in that field by filling the gap between the labor Financial Market emergent needs and the HE offers that have to answer these needs.