by Dr. Jeramie N. Molino, Head-Religion Department,
The Association of Catholic Universities of the Philippines (ACUP) convergence was held at Saint Louis University on February 23-25, 2023, with the theme “Embracing the Spirit of Synodality: Communion, Participation, and Mission.” On the said occasion, faculty member Dr. Rico C. Jacoba, from the Department of Religion, presented his research paper entitled, “Discourses on the Concept ‘Other’ as Kapwa and its Transposition into Synodality in Cyberspace.”

As a theoretical framework, Dr. Jacoba presupposes synodality with “Other/s” as Kapwa in the cyber context complements and enhances the onsite or face-to-face synodality and vice-versa. His paper examines the problem: How can one explore the concept “other/s as Kapwa and its transposition into synodality in cyberspace? Toward this end, he explores the concept of “other/s” in the philosophy of Emanuel Levinas, Enrique Dussel, and other respected authors and proceeds with the exploration of the other as Kapwa in the Filipino context, and eventually brings the discourse of synodality with the Kapwa in the cyber context.
Dr. Jacoba proposed that the parable of the good Samaritan parable can be re-read as an exhortation to be a model of synodality with Kapwa in the cyber-highway. He employed the correlation or hermeneutical circle method, as Jose de Mesa and Lode Wostyn, CICM elaborated. In conclusion, Dr. Jacoba explains that a significant block in the synodality with the Kapwa in cyberspace is the digital divide that may exclude those not wired from full participation in the CyberChurch.