by Dr. Laarni Natividad, UnRIC
iCREaTe 2023 was held on April 18, 2023, with the primary purpose of showcasing the research, innovation, and extension outputs of Louisian students. The event provided a platform to present their work and engage in meaningful discussions with partnered government agency staff, faculty members, and fellow students. The day was filled with various activities, including the opening of the research, innovation, and extension exhibits and a scientific conference.

The event commenced with a patriotic note as the Center for Culture and the Arts performed a stirring rendition of the national anthem, including the invocation. Following the national anthem, Rev. Fr. Gilbert B. Sales, delivered his warm welcome remarks where expressed his appreciation for the participants’ hard work and dedication in their research, innovation, and extension projects. He emphasized the importance of such events in fostering a culture of academic excellence and knowledge sharing.

iCreate 2023: Undergraduate Research, Innovation, and Extension Exhibit (Diego Silang Lobby)
One of the highlights of iCreate 2023 was the opening of the research, innovation, and extension exhibit. The undergraduate students’ research outputs showcased their innovative ideas and ground-breaking discoveries. Attendees had the opportunity to explore the exhibits, interact with the students, and learn about the various projects that were being presented.
The exhibits covered various disciplines, including science, technology, humanities, and social sciences. Dr. Richel Lamadrid led the ribbon-cutting ceremony that symbolizes the exhibit’s official opening. Dr. Lamadrid commended the students’ efforts and encouraged them to continue their pursuit of knowledge and innovation.
iCreate Scientific Conference (Prince Bernhard Gym)
While the undergraduate research exhibit was ongoing, another iCreate event focused on the extension outputs headed by the extension program coordinators and paper presentations of students in the graduate program.
The Extension Program Coordinators shared various programs of the University’s commitment and love for society through a creative synergy of extensions: Experience, Talk, and Show. The segment about “Experience” highlighted an actual demonstration of the inclusive programs of the University on livelihood and education, such as the Diversification of Ube-based products produced by Banangan women, the Benguet Coffee project, an e-learning management system, and capacity building for teachers on the use of blooms software.

Another segment of the session was “Talk,” through a live interview that featured presentations such as:
- capacity building program for the members of the Barangay Council for the Protection of Children
- Aduyon: addressing the unique learning needs through capacit-building and empowerment of students with visual impairment
- Integrating evidence-based approach at Baguio General Hospital
- Enhancing the skills of Basic Education Science Investigatory project advisers in tools and techniques for Biological science studies
- Instituting Medication safety measures via skills development, and
- Designing a 5s program
The last segment of the session elaborated on other programs through a “Show,” featuring Informative video presentations on the use of economical and solar-powered street lamps, strengthening the capacity of the Barangay Health board as functional leaders for sustainable health, and Missionary Spirit Building through Catechetical Formation for the Indigenous working scholars.

The graduate students also presented and shared their research findings through paper presentations. This allowed Louisian graduate school students to contribute to the broader academic community. The following were the presenters and the title of their works:
- Maureen Casiano: Impact of Instructor-made Multimedia Material on Students’ Intercultural Communicative Competence Level (Teacher Education-SAS)
- Britanny Baldovino: Filipino Food and Recipe Finder Application Based on Macronutrients and User Ingredients (CIT-SAS)
- Gilbert Bernardino: Vaccine Wastage in the Philippines: An Examination of the Contributory Factors (NRSG-SAS)
- Marcelino Lunag Jr.: Face Mask and Medical Waste Generation in the City of Baguio, Philippines: Its Current Management and GHG Footprint (Engineering-SAS)

Invited guest Dr. Ester Joy Sajo, an Assistant Professor at the Department of Biology at the University of the Philippines Baguio, served as a reactor for each presenter and gave valuable feedback on improving their research works.
The event was concluded by the talk of Dr. Sajo entitled “Leveraging Biobanks and Technology Business Incubators to Drive Technological Advancements for the Benefit of Society.”