
SLU holds 2024 iCREaTe to promote sustainable research and innovation

On 17 April 2024, Saint Louis University (SLU) held the opening ceremony of the two-day annual Innovation in Creative, Research, Extensions, and Technology (iCREaTe) through its University Research Innovation Center (UnRIC). Themed “Seeds of Sustainability: Cultivating Young Minds for Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Impact: the event gathered the Lousian community to showcase their creative and innovative research outputs, fostering a sense of responsibility to contribute to global sustainability. 

Food Upcycling Project

SLU UNRIC through the VLIR UOS Food Upcycling Project conducts research and food upcycling training session

In line with Saint Louis University’s commitment to sustainability that goes beyond academic pursuits, its University Research and Innovation Center (UnRIC) conducted a training session titled “Beyond Limits: Unleashing the Boundaries of Research and Innovation for Maximum Impact” on 10 January 2024 that centered on the importance of research publication and innovation in sustainable gastronomy and food upcycling. 

Scientific Session

SLU Biology Department and Fr. Braeckman Museum of Natural History host 1st Scientific Session of NRCP-Biological Sciences

On 8 December 2023, the National Research Council of the Philippines (NRCP), Division of Biological Sciences (V) organized its first Scientific Session in partnership with the SLU Biology Department and Fr. Braeckman Museum of Natural History (BMNH). Conducted as a hybrid session, face-to-face participants gathered at the Saint Louis University (SLU) Braeckman Museum for the research presentations in line with the theme “Achieving a Healthy and Sustainable Future Among Filipinos Through Plant Food and Nutrition Research in the Philippines”.

SLU Hosts Climate Change Summit 

With the theme Eco-Consciousness and Technology: Exploring Sustainable Living in the Digital Era, Saint Louis University’s (SLU), through its University Research and Innovation Center (UnRiC), Office of Student Affairs and Services (OSAS), and CICM Community Extensions and Outreach Programs, hosted the City Government of Baguio-sponsored climate change summit at the Fr. Francis Gevers Hall, SLU, on 24 October 2023.