by Laarni Natividad, PhD, University Research and Innovation Center Research Service Officer
The University Research and Innovation Center (UnRIC) concluded a three-day intensive training program focused on Energy Literacy and Sustainable Energy Innovation. Held from 22 to 24 August 2023 at Charles Vath Library Building, this event was conducted in collaboration with the New Energy Nexus – Philippines team with the aim of empowering participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to champion energy conservation and sustainable business practices.
The first day of the training opened with a warm welcome from Andrew Ducas, the university’s Innovation and Transfer Technology Officer (ITTO). Thereafter, Dr. Richel Lamadrid, the Director of the University Research and Innovation Office (UnRIC), offered valuable insights into the purpose and significance of the event.
The New Energy Nexus-Philippine Team then talked about their work as a global non-profit organization dedicated to supporting clean energy entrepreneurs and advancing clean energy solutions worldwide.

Day one’s discussions revolved around Energy Problem Analysis, Energy Startup Solutions, Customer Validation, and Market Segmentation. Participants were then divided into groups and tasked to identify and present energy conservation-related problems. The second day of the training program delved deeper into topics such as Impact Assessment, GHG (Greenhouse Gas) Calculation, Startup Pitch development, and the integration of Energy Entrepreneurship Education. Case studies and engineering curriculum recommendations were shared, providing participants with a comprehensive understanding of these crucial subjects.

The NEX PH Team Lectures
The highlight of this day was the Lean Canvas Presentation, where each group prepared and presented their pitches, setting the stage for the final day’s activities. Moreover, representatives from different schools shared their key takeaways and insights gained from the two-day training.

Sharing, group work, and oral presentation of the SLU participants
The culminating day of the event focused on the presentation of pitches by each group, offering innovative solutions for energy conservation. Esteemed judges from both Saint Louis University (SLU) and the Nexus team evaluated the pitches to identify the best presenter and pitch.
“Team PLA” emerged as the winner for Best Presenter, showcasing their in-depth understanding of energy conservation. The same team also claimed the second-place award for Best Pitch, in which they presented the TOOT App (Transportation Options using Optimization Techniques). The coveted first place for Best Pitch was awarded to “Team Tripod,” who presented the EE – Save App.

Following the award ceremony, Dr. Lamadrid concluded the three-day event, expressing optimism that the newly acquired knowledge and skills would be promptly implemented, contributing to a more sustainable future.
The 3-Day Faculty Trainers’ Training on Energy Literacy and Sustainable Energy Innovation provided an opportunity for collaboration and innovation, reinforcing SLU’s commitment to environmental sustainability and energy conservation.