Saint Louis University (SLU), in partnership with the Catholic Educational Association of the Philippines–Cordillera Administrative Region (CEAP-CAR), hosted the SALAMAT SANA Session where Catholic Schools’ administrators, teachers, students, and parents or alumnus as stakeholders gathered to listen to their sentiments and ideas. The session was held last 18 November 2023 in Fr. Gevers Hall, Silang Building, SLU.

SLU President Rev. Fr. Gilbert B. Sales, CICM, hosted the CEAP-CAR gatherings and expressed his gratitude for the active participation and full support of the Catholic schools who joined the event. The participants consist of 167 stakeholders from the Diocese of Baguio-Benguet cluster.
The session started with a Eucharistic Celebration presided by Rev. Fr. Anthony P. Irineo, The Order of Augustinian Recollects (OAR), followed by the discussion titled SYNODALITY IN SCHOOL: The Roles of Administrators, Teachers, Students, and Parents / Alumni in Bringing Hope and Transformation.

In the afternoon , breakout session on SALAMAT SANA was conducted and facilitated by each representative of the aforementioned roles: Mrs. Annie Marie Caguioa for Administrators; Mr. Alejandro P. Pablico for Teachers; Dr. Barbara Elena M. Lagos for Parents/Alumni; and Ms. Justine Latawan for Students.

The program gave the participants an opportunity to share things that they are grateful for being part of a Catholic institution (SALAMAT) and a chance to voice their ideas on the things that they are looking for in a Catholic institution (SANA).
This activity was in line with the SDG 4: Quality Education and SDG 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions. It also targets the CICM Advocacy on Justice by considering the welfare of the stakeholders. The collated output is useful in the strategic directions and planning of Catholic institutions.