The Professional Regulatory Commission – Professional Board of Environmental Planning conducted an inspection and monitoring visit of the Master of Arts in Environmental and Habitat Planning on 4 March 2024, at the executive boardroom at the Admin Center, Fr. Burgos Building.
Representatives from the Professional Regulatory Commission – Cordillera Administrative Region (PRC-CAR) and PRC Professional Board of Environmental Planning (PRBEnP) conducted an inspection and monitoring visit at the School of Advanced Studies (SAS) of Saint Louis University (SLU) on 4 March 2024. Inspection and monitoring processes were done for the Master of Arts in Environmental and Habitat Planning (MA EHP) program of SAS.
The SLU administration and faculty through Mr. Hector L. Martin, the Director of the Office of Institutional Development and Quality Assurance; and Dr. Faridah Kristi C. Wetherick, the Dean of the School of Advanced Studies hosted the inspection meeting with PRBEnP and PRC-CAR through PRC CAR representative Mr. Wayne B. Crispin and PRBEnP Chairperson Hon. Michael T. Ang.
The visit started off with welcoming remarks from Dr. Faridah, followed by the presentations from PRC CAR and PRBEnP, headed by the Hon. Michael and Mr. Wayne. A report on the documents submitted for inspection then followed, which included the audio-visual presentation of the University facilities. The inspection team members were then given the opportunity to ask for clarifications.
Held at the Executive Boardroom, Administrative Center, Fr. Burgos Building, SLU Main Campus, virtual participants attended through Zoom in the exit conference. This included a discussion of PRBEnP’s findings and recommendations, along with the compliance timetables that are expected to address the suggestions and remarks.