On 22 March 2024, Saint Louis University (SLU) welcomed hundreds of its alumni through the celebration of SLU Rambakan 2024 Grand Alumni Homecoming at the Main Campus Grounds.
The term “Rambakan,” is an Ilocano word that embodies the spirit of festivity, gratitude, and joy that characterize the annual gathering of SLU alumni. With the theme “Rising Above and Winning Battles Together: Celebrating a Year of Triumphs”, this year’s event promised to be a celebration of cherished memories and reaffirmation of the bonds that unite the SLU community.
Rambakan 2024 commenced with a Thanksgiving Mass presided by Rev. Fr. Emery A. Mwako, CICM, together with Rev. Fr. Emanuel Enjang Pranatal, CICM, at the Saint Aloysius Gonzaga Parish. Fr. Mwako’s homily underscored the profound significance of Cor Unum et Anima Una. “As we gather here today, we weaved the tapestry of memories and shared victories. We celebrate not only the passing of time but the enduring spirit that binds us,” Fr. Mwako said.
Following the Mass, all eyes turned to the Dr. Konrad Adenauer Building for the grand unveiling and blessing of the legacy wall— a symbolic gesture honoring the generosity of scholarship fund donors through the “Saranay ti Alumni”. The grand unveiling, adorned with six commemorative plates bearing the names of benefactors, stood as a testament to the enduring spirit of giving within the SLU community. Throughout the day, the alumni were treated to a plethora of engaging activities, including a delectable lunch and remniscient campus tour.
In his message to the alumni, Rev. Fr. Gilbert B. Sales, CICM, the University President remarked, “Let then our Homecoming rekindle your very own SLU memories not for sheer walking down memory lane, but to foster deeper friendships and unity between and among all of us members of the Louisian community. This Rambakan serves as a perfect venue to bolster our link. Thereafter, let our buttressed relationship enable and ennoble collective as well as individual development for greater heights, and for His greater glory.”
As dusk falls, the festivities will reach its highlight in the glamorous Gala Night at the New Town Plaza Hotel at 6:00 p.m., providing alumni with an opportunity to mingle, reminisce, and forge new connections.
The Rambakan 2024 is a cherished tradition that encapsulates the essence of SLU’s rich heritage and the promise of a vibrant future. As alumni gather to reconnect, reminisce, and forge new bonds, they embody the timeless values of excellence, solidarity, and service that define the SLU community. Indeed, Rambakan is not just a celebration of the past, it is a joyous affirmation of the enduring legacy and limitless potential of Saint Louis University. (Article by Rita Mae Lopez, UIO Intern | Photos by EJ Doña and Justhine Plana, UIO Interns)