A mere 250 kilometers separates the northernmost tip of the Luzon Island from the southernmost point of Taiwan. Manila to Taipei is a mere one hour and thirty minutes plane ride away. Taiwan and the Philippines are not only geographically close, but we share many common values. These values are not only limited to a free media, rule of law, civil society, democracy; but also similar Austronesian culture. But towards Health care, Taiwan has seen far greater and faster advancements, leading to a much speedy development towards the digital “artificial intelligence” age and biomedicine. The same advancements also extend to its medical education.

Spearheaded by the Taiwan Education Center in the Philippines, the 2024 Taiwan-Philippines Medical University Leaders’ Forum was held from 7-10 May 2024 in Taipei, Taiwan and Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Thirteen (13) Philippine medical schools were invited to participate in this event; which included our very own Saint Louis University – School of Medicine (SLU-SOM), represented by Dr. Judrelle Krizia C. Mariano, DPSP and Dr. Stephenie O. Busbus, PhD (Chair, Institutional Reputation and Effectiveness Committee and Professor of SLU – School of Advanced Studies). Twenty-five (25) Taiwan universities also were a part of this forum, showcasing their schools in not only the field of Medicine, but also the allied health sciences like Nursing, Medical Laboratory Sciences, Occupation Therapy, Physical therapy and Respiratory therapy, to name a few.

This forum led to the exchange of the best practices of all schools not only in the practice of medicine, but also in research, and in student (and faculty) mobilization programs. Presentations by the Taiwan universities were not only on international exchange programs in internships but were also for bachelor’s, master’s and even doctorate or post-graduate degrees providing opportunities for studying abroad and scholarships that go with it.
Over-all, the Philippine delegation was very much impressed by the hospitality and warmth that the Taiwanese hosts showed during the different sessions. The delegates were also very much in awe of the advancements of medical education that far surpasses what we have currently in our institution. But, despite the differences in our facilities and methods of delivering medical education, the mutual exchange between the Philippines and Taiwan through future student and faculty mobilization programs will greatly benefit both parties.

Saint Louis University looks forward to more medical education and other forms of collaborations and partnerships between the two countries, which is in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 4 (Quality Education) and 17 (Partnership for the Goals). (Dr. Judrelle Krizia C. Mariano, DPSP Assistant to the Dean for Quality Assurance, Department Coordinator for Microbiology and Parasitology, SLU-SOM)