Officials and employees led by University President, Rev. Fr. Gilbert B. Sales, CICM, planted bougainvillea to decorate the Saint Louis University- Sacred Heart Medical Center (SLU SHMC) Medical Arts Parking Building in an eco-friendly manner.

The planted bougainvilleas were donated by SLU employees and other stakeholders. As can be recalled, a Plant Drive was launched last April 12 to encourage stakeholders to donate bougainvillea or birds-of-paradise plants so that the Medical Arts Parking Building would breathe a sustainable, environmentally-friendly, and welcoming atmosphere. The project’s vision goes beyond beautifying the hospital grounds; it is about fostering a healthier and more sustainable environment for patients, visitors, and staff.

Held on 07 June 2024, the bougainvillea planting activity coincided with the Medical Center’s Feast of the Sacred Heart observance. Different stakeholders participated in the Eucharistic celebration with main celebrant Fr. Gilbert Sales, and concelebrants Fr. Emanuel Enjang Pranatal, Fr. Emery Mwako, Fr. John Salama, and Fr. Valentin Narcise.

Moreover, with the objective to even enhance the SHMC services, the day also marked the blessing of Cardiotocography (CTG) Machines. CTG, widely used during pregnancy, monitors or continuously records the fetal heart rate obtained via an ultrasound transducer placed on the mother’s abdomen. This, therefore, helps in accurately assessing fetal well‐being.

The above-mentioned activities are in consonance with Sustainable Development Goals No. 3 on Good Health and Well-Being, No. 9 on Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, No. 11 on Sustainable Cities and Communities, No. 13 on Climate Action, No. 15 on Life on Land, and No. 17 on Partnership for the Goals.