To solidify partnership for scholarships, Saint Louis University (SLU) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Institute of International Education (IIE), the contractor for the Diversity and Inclusion Scholarship Program (DISP) funded by United States Agency for International Development (USAID), alongside scholars from Myanmar on 5 September 2024, at the Burgos Conference Room, Administrative Building, SLU Main Campus.
The said MOU was signed by University President, Rev. Fr. Gilbert B. Sales, CICM, PhD and IIE-DISP Chief of Party, Sir Matthew Pietz. The momentous event was witnessed by USAID Philippines Project Management Specialist Justin Edward Modesto; the Office of Economic Growth, USAID/Burma Education Team Lead Bryce Smedley, PhD; the Regional Director for Southeast Asia for IIE, Mr. Jonathan Lembright; University Registrar Andrew S. Macalma, PhD; Office of Global Relations and Alumni Affairs (OGRAA) Director Stephenie O. Busbus, PhD; SLU Residence Halls’ Head Blesilda C. Braganza and the scholarship grantees.
With a warm welcome, the University President expressed his appreciation for the scholarship grantees saying, “Once again, I would like to welcome the USA team, and our dear Myanmar students to SLU. It is really an honor to be a part of the dream you have. So, maybe in the future, you would be able to realize those dreams (even in a little way), through SLU.”
USAID Education Team Lead, Dr. Smedley, then stated how the program would serve as a bridge for a strategic international partnership that promotes inclusive education and collaborative learning for the students. “This is a good chance and an excellent opportunity for you to get the skills you need, to become a leader in your profession, to create sincere bonds with the community that’s hosting you at this University, and also the Filipino community,” he said.
The assembly was held in line with the initiative by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) for internationalization in the Philippines centered on inclusivity and diversity, aiming to strengthen bonds between higher education institutions under the USAID DISP, with SLU as one of the participating universities.
“It’s exciting to be in a room with so many people who are studying education – because we, as a program, believe in a power that transforms society. We are excited to be part of that future building and we hope that you can get everything out of this experience as you can,” DISP Chief, Mr. Pietz remarked.
With this, the dedication to advocating diversity, inclusivity, and equity through intercultural dimensions and pursuit of higher education for quality learning, also coincides with the University’s vision and principles for Internationalization and is aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically under Quality Education (SDG 4), Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions (SDG 16), and Partnerships for the Goals (SDG 17). This event also affirms the CICM Advocacy of Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation (JPIC). (Article by Agnes Dela Peña, UIO Intern | Photos by Katrina Garcia, UIO Intern)