by the Elementary Religion Teachers, SLU BEdS
SLU BEdS-LED celebrated National Bible Month last February 10, 2023, at the Gonzaga gym with the theme “The WORD leads to the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE”. To make the event truly meaningful, Louisians took part in the different creative ways of honoring the Word of God as spearheaded by the Religion department.
During their Religion classes, the pupils deepened their understanding and appreciation of the Bible through focused teaching and engaging activities like sharing of bible facts and trivia, bible quiz bees, recitations of and reflections on bible verses, singing of action songs in relation to the Bible, and film viewings on biblical stories with reflection. Teachers, pupils, and parents/guardians also took part in the Bible Storytelling: Teachers’ Edition and Family Edition activity. A total of 120 families from Kinder to Grade 6 submitted their well-designed Bible storytelling videos that were used by the Religion teachers as a springboard or as supplementary materials in their lessons. The teachers in the Grade 4 level likewise took the challenge and came up with their equally inspiring version of the Parable of the Prodigal Son.

This academic year, SLU BEdS-LED also went back to the adoption of patron saints as the section name per classroom. As an add-on activity to the celebration, all pupils with the guidance of their homeroom advisers participated in the “Adorn Your Door with Your Saint” activity. They creatively decorated their doors with relevant pictures, facts, and trivia about the life of the saint representing their respective section. This aims to widen the awareness of the pupils on the life, accomplishments, and values of patron saints that are worthy of emulation.
The celebration culminated with a program at the Gonzaga Gym and was highlighted by teachers’ and pupils’ dressing up as their favorite Bible character or patron saint. Adding cheers to the celebration was the grade level Bible verse yells; sharing of personal views on the importance of the Holy Bible in one’s life from selected school administrators, teachers, non-teaching personnel, parents, and pupils; viewing of selected Bible storytelling entries; and awarding of certificates to Bible Quiz Bee winners and Bible Storytelling contributors. The program concluded with a virtual inspirational message from Rev. Fr. Gilbert B. Sales, CICM, SLU President, and a message of gratitude from Mr. Alejandro P. Pablico, SLU BEdS Principal.

The month-long celebration aimed to support the government in its undertakings on nation-building, strengthen awareness of the importance of God’s Word in one’s personal, family, and communal life, encourage others to read the Holy Scriptures and take inspiration from them, deepen one’s faith in God by communicating to Him through His Word as modeled by the faithfulness of the saints, and provide every Louisian the opportunity to spread the Word of God in their own way. Fr. Gilbert’s words said it all: “God’s Word found in the Holy Bible has the ability to transform lives.”