by the Medical Outreach Mission Fellowship Initiative
As requested by the Special Services Division of the City Mayor’s Office (SSD-CMO) and in partnership with the Baguio City Health Services Office (HSO), the Medical Outreach Mission Fellowship Initiative (MOMFI) performed its annual Operation Tuli at the Baguio City Health Services Department in T. Alonzo, Baguio City on 22 July 2023.
MOMFI medical student volunteers and honorary members worked alongside volunteers from Baguio General Hospital and Medical Center, the Philippine College of Surgeons-Cordillera Chapter, Baguio City Emergency Medical Services, Baguio Central University, and Pines City Colleges to provide free circumcision services to male preadolescent community members.

A total of 213 patients were circumcised during the event. They were also given free antibiotics, painkillers, and vitamins to help them recuperate. Aside from circumcision, the outreach initiative also benefited the community through oral care, manual profiling, and First Patient Encounter (FPE), as well as the distribution of deworming drugs and nutrition education material such as Pinggang Pinoy for Teens, 10 Kumainments.

This outreach mission was able to target Sustainable Development Goal 3: Good Health and Wellbeing, 10: Reduced Inequalities, and 17: Partnerships for the Goals. It was also aligned with the target CICM advocacy for Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation.