Rite of Commissioning punctuates In-Service Training (INSET) for the BEDS Workforce
by Ms. Diane E. Dumagay, Basic Education School, SLU | Photos by Mrs. Jacqueline M. Farrell and Mr. Alejandro P. Pablico
A total of 210 teachers and non-teaching staff of the SLU Basic Education School (BEdS) workforce concluded their In-Service Training (INSET) with a solemn Rite of Commissioning held at the SLU Gonzaga parish church on 17 August 2023. The mass was presided by Rev. Fr. Gilbert B. Sales, CICM, university president, who emphasized the essence of dedication and perseverance in the noble mission of shaping the mind and heart of each young Louisian by instilling quality Catholic education. This is the second academic year of the newly-formed BEdS comprising the elementary and high school departments.
The INSET for the BEDS workforce started on 1 August 2023 at the amphitheater of the SLU Gonzaga building with a motivating talk by the principal, Mr. Alejandro P. Pablico, discussing with the group the directions for the academic year 2023-2024. He also welcomed the school’s new Assistant to the Principal for Student Discipline and Services, Mr. Roy Asignacion. Following the discussion was a talk on the CICM Founder’s Spirituality by Rev. Fr. Jesse M. Hechanova, CICM, which emphasized the values of trust, commitment, and gratitude.

As a continuation of the INSET, the BEDS faculty had a seminar-workshop on 4 August 2023 at the Gerard Decaestecker (GD) Hall with the theme “Teacher Factor: Enhancing the Quality of Student Learning” and another significant topic, “Managing Change and Creativity Opportunities in the Classroom”. The speaker, Mr. Jay Son Batang, shared his expertise by conveying and demonstrating various teaching strategies and discussing applicable classroom management methodologies, particularly fostering positive discipline.
The INSET also included a two-day seminar-workshop spearheaded by the SLU University Instruction Development Committee and CEAP trainers on 8-9 August 2023 at the GD Hall. The seminar included a training on the preparation of curriculum documents, which focused on Subject Alignment. This included topics on scaffolding and enhancing the learning competencies, different kinds of assessments, learning strategies, performance tasks and values from the Philippine Catholic Schools Standards (PCSS), Catholic Educational Association of The Philippines (CEAP)-HKM-ME, Congregational, and Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The seminar trainers were Dr. Joselito C. Gutierrez, Dr. Stephenie O. Busbus, Dr. Geraldine S. Wakat, and Dr. Felina P. Espique, the newly designated SLU Vice President for Academics.

With these activities, the SLU BEdS human resources were able to attain the theme for the INSET, which is “Moving forward as a unified team in sustaining excellence and mission.”
In-person and Online Orientation for Parents and Guardians held
Last August 19, 2023, the BEdS administrators and personnel meaningfully conducted an onsite orientation to the parents of the elementary pupils and Junior High School students, while on 23 August 2023, an online sharing for the parents and guardians of the Senior High School students was held via Zoom for a broader scope of accommodation. To continuously involve and engage the school’s stakeholders, particularly the parents, and guardians, and inform them of the latest updates in the school’s general policies and advocacies, curricular and co-curricular programs, and various details to consider regarding student services and discipline, the series of orientation meetings paved the way to an open, friendly, and responsible partnership between the home and the school.

Mr. Alejandro P. Pablico opened each meeting by stating the basic yet very important essence of the shared and supportive partnership between the parents and the school administration and personnel towards the holistic growth of the Louisians. Mrs. Lorna E. Lucas, the Assistant to the Principal for Academics, ably presented the updated policies on the school’s instructional program as well as the notable assistance given to students at risk of not meeting the DepEd-required competencies, to name a few – the peer, group, and teacher-led tutorial sessions, remedial lessons, and intervention activities.
On the other hand, Mr. Roy C. Asignacion, the Assistant to the Principal for Student Discipline and Services, also gave due stress on the value and essence of instilling a good foundation of discipline among the learners as he likewise expounded on the several student services rendered by the personnel for all stakeholders. The school personnel handling the various student services, particularly in the elementary department, also had their share in giving useful information and tips to the audience. The Q and A portion clarified some issues and concerns of the parents even better.
Indeed, the sessions were all potent avenues for sustaining a wholesome partnership between and among the parents and teachers.
BEdS successfully opens the new academic year with renewed vigor
The academic year 2023-2024 for the SLU BEDS Laboratory Elementary Department officially started on August 22 for the High School level, and on 23 August 2023, for the elementary department with festive music by the SLU Marching Band which remarkably welcomed the parents, guardians, the Louisian learners, and employees alike. “Navigating new beginnings and learning possibilities together” was the flagship theme set by the school as it accepted a total of 4,000 plus learners from Kindergarten to Grade 12.
In the first week of classes, the learners were given a chance to get to know each other through interactive games, songs, and other fun-filled activities. An orientation program on the history of the school, its vision-mission, goals, and objectives, the core values, the CICM advocacies, and the marks of a true Louisian, among many others, was also conducted.

In the High School department, more engaging and informative activities were taken up in the succeeding days as the Homeroom Advisers facilitated the Homeroom Guidance activities. Moreover, an orientation on the Aralinks ACE Program plus the presentation of club and scouting organizations were also big hits for the learners. The activities administered, however, did not hinder the learners and teachers from abiding with the minimum public health standards as the Clinic personnel emphasized that masks are still recommended to be worn, as hands need frequent washing.
The Louisians are geared towards developing the gifts and talents that God has given to each of them as they aim to become community builders with a missionary spirit.