With the CICM advocacies covering the promotion of peace and protection of the Indigenous Peoples among others and with the CHED advisories on integrating Peace Education and Indigenous Peoples’ Studies into the curricula, Saint Louis University integrated these in its general education courses and has also conducted training and researches on IP studies and peace education.
With these experiences to share, the Zamboanga Peninsula Polytechnic State University (ZPPSU) invited Dr. Felina P. Espique to train academic deans, heads, and faculty from various HEIs in Region 9 on how to do Curriculum Quality Audit (CQA) to ensure appropriate curriculum review and peace education and IP studies integration into the general education curriculum and research programs. The training was conducted on October 28-29, 2022.

Section II of CMO No. 1 and 2 s. 2019 on the Integration of Indigenous Peoples’ (IP) Studies /Education and Peace Education into the Relevant Higher Education Curricula encourages Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) already offering IP Studies/Education as a stand-alone or integrated subject to help other HEIs and train potential IP educators on developing and implementing IP Studies/Education.