In celebration of Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month, the Psyche Society hosted “Reaching Potentials,” a community encounter called for the students of St. John Paul II Learning Center (SJP II LC) on April 20, 2023, at Quezon Hill Proper Covered Court with the assistance of twenty-eight (28) Psychology student volunteers.
Students and their guardians were guided through the registration process before the start of the program. The program began with a morning ceremony, followed by a warm-up exercise and a Zumba number led by student volunteers. The preliminary remarks were made by Ms. Novella Garma, principal of SJP II Learning Center. Student volunteers prepared three stimulating and interactive activities for the students, guided by the individualized education program of the SJP II Learning Center.
The first phase consisted of a three-part Amazing Race in which a guardian or a student volunteer accompanied each student to complete motor skill-enhancing tasks at each station. The second phase consisted of an energizer called Match My Color, where students lined up in three columns to perform a specific movement corresponding to their assigned color. The final phase was a two-way art session in which students were asked and guided to decorate tote bags and hand-paint on a canvas banner. The event concluded with a community dance number. The program ended with distributing certificates to the participants and closing remarks by Justine Latawan, president of the Psyche Society. The Psyche Society’s Executive Committee held a brief debriefing for the student volunteers.
As Psychology student volunteers established a good relationship with children with special needs despite communication limitations, the community encounter fulfills SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities and the CICM advocacy of Integrity of Creation. Furthermore, SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being was implemented because all activities were designed to improve the students’ fine and gross motor skills. Finally, the program promotes SDG 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions in tandem with Justice and Peace because it took good collaboration and work ethic to create an event that provided activities that reflected compassion and service to children who deserve love and acceptance.