SLU-UNRIC welcomes DOST-PCHRD for Brain and Mental Health R&D Program

Saint Louis University (SLU), through the University Research and Innovation Center (UnRIC), hosted the Brain and Mental Health Research & Development (R&D) Clinic of the Department of Science and Technology – Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (DOST – PCHRD) at the SLU Incubator for Research, Innovation, and Business (SIRIB) Center on 25 September 2024.


SLU holds 2024 iCREaTe to promote sustainable research and innovation

On 17 April 2024, Saint Louis University (SLU) held the opening ceremony of the two-day annual Innovation in Creative, Research, Extensions, and Technology (iCREaTe) through its University Research Innovation Center (UnRIC). Themed “Seeds of Sustainability: Cultivating Young Minds for Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Impact: the event gathered the Lousian community to showcase their creative and innovative research outputs, fostering a sense of responsibility to contribute to global sustainability. 


Towards “Improving the Livelihood of MSMEs through Cable-Supported Water and Transport Infrastructure”: DOST Secretary and Execom visit SLU

The Secretary of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST), Dr. Renato U. Solidum, Jr., along with the members of DOST Executive Committee graced Saint Louis University with their presence on 11 January 2023 at the Fr. Francis Gevers Hall to visit the approved DOST-assisted and DOST-Grants-in-Aid-funded project (DOST GIA), “Improving the livelihood of MSMEs through Cable Supported Water and Transport Infrastructure.” 


SLU to support and provide assistance for cable-supported irrigation pipeline for Batwag, Ambongdolan, Tublay through DOST-NICER Program

Through the DOST-NICER Program, Saint Louis University, in collaboration with the LGU of Tublay specifically in Barangay Ambongdolan, will provide technical support and assistance to develop and install cable supported structures and system intended for irrigation and transportation of agricultural products to foster the needs of farmers, assess existing cable-supported infrastructure and mapping of the identified pilot sites, design and fabricate an enhanced cable-supported water and transport infrastructure and install and conduct actual performance testing of the deployed cable-supported infrastructure.