SLU-UNRIC welcomes DOST-PCHRD for Brain and Mental Health R&D Program

Saint Louis University (SLU), through the University Research and Innovation Center (UnRIC), hosted the Brain and Mental Health Research & Development (R&D) Clinic of the Department of Science and Technology – Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (DOST – PCHRD) at the SLU Incubator for Research, Innovation, and Business (SIRIB) Center on 25 September 2024.


SLU SAS benchmarks UP Open University on microcredential programs

Saint Louis University (SLU) School of Advanced Studies (SAS), led by Dean Faridah Kristi C. Wetherick, PhD; and Graduate Program Coordinators (GPCs) Gulliver C. Alawas, PhD; Mark Job G. Bascos, PhD; Leilani I. De Guzman, PhD; Marcelino N. Lunag Jr., PhD, and Geraldine S. Wakat, PhD visited the University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) to learn more about their microcredentialing projects on 20 September 2024 in Los Banos, Laguna.


SLU-SEA welcomes PRBoA for inspection of program facilities and classroom management system

Saint Louis University’s (SLU) School of Engineering and Architecture (SEA) welcomed the Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture (PRBoA) for an inspection and monitoring of the University’s compliance with the quality guidelines of the Republic Act No. 9266, also known as “The Architecture Act of 2004,” on 19 September 2024 at the SLU Main Campus.

French Embassy

SLU welcomes the French Embassy, Alliance Française de Manille, and Campus France representatives for collaboration opportunities

Saint Louis University (SLU), through the Office of Global Relations and Alumni Affairs Director, Stephenie O. Busbus, PhD; and Languages and International Studies Unit Coordinator, Freda B. Paulino, PhD, gave a warm welcome to  Mr. Adam Folleas, Higher Education and French Language Officer from the Embassy of France to the Philippines and to Micronesia;  Mr. Victor Petit, the Deputy Director from the Alliance Française de Manille; and Mr. Paulo Udani, Education and Communication Manager from the Campus France Philippines for a meeting to explore the potential of offering French language courses to both undergraduate and graduate programs in SLU. The said meeting was held on 19 September 2024 at the Burgos Conference Room, Administrative Building, SLU Main Campus.