SLU holds Annual Management Review for AY 2023-2024, underscores on excellence and innovation

“Excellence in education means more than high test scores or impressive rankings. It encompasses our students’ holistic development, nurturing their intellect, character, and values. Let us strive to create an environment where our students are inspired to reach their full potential, where innovation is encouraged, and where critical thinking is fostered.” Thus quipped Rev. Fr. Gilbert B. Sales, CICM, PhD, University President, as he addressed the Saint Louis University (SLU) Management Team during the first day of the Annual Management Review (AMR) Part 1 for Academic Year 2023-2024.

SLU conducts blessing ceremony for the SLU Navy Base Campus Sewage Treatment Plant

Saint Louis University (SLU) conducted the blessing ceremony for the SLU Navy Base Campus Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) on 20 May 2024 attended by the SLU and Basic Education School (BEdS) administration. This is the fourth STP project, marking the continuous partnership between SLU and KBWorld Trading Corporation in the advocacy of sustainable development and environmental stewardship. 

Louisian Educators take part in 4th PSALM International Conference

The 4th Passion for Scholarship And Love for Mission (PSALM) International Conference, held on 4 May 2024, at the University of Sto. Tomas in Manila brought together esteemed professionals, pre-service and in-service teachers, and faculty members from various institutions across the globe. As one of the pillars of unparalleled quality teacher education in the country, it is with great pride and honor that Saint Louis University (SLU) has been invited as one of the prominent partner institutions in the said event.

medical mission

SLU CEOPO conducts initial medical mission meeting with MOMFI

The Community Extension and Outreach Programs Office (CEOPO) of Saint Louis University conducted the initial medical mission meeting on 7 May 2024 with Dr. Roberto Tolentino, the Medical Outreach Missions Fellowship Initiative (MOMFI) adviser, and students. The said meeting aimed to bring together medical professionals and students to discuss the upcoming mission and its objectives.

SLU Joins the Consultation Workshop for Enhancing the Evaluation Process of the LEPT

The Teacher Education Council, facilitated by the Quality Pre-Service Teacher Education Office of its Secretariat, led the organization of the “Consultation Workshop for Enhancing the Evaluation Process of the Licensure Examination for Professional Teachers (LEPT),” from 24 to 26 April 2024, at the Pages Hall, Baguio Teachers’ Camp, Baguio City, in accordance with the Republic Act No. 7784, as amended by Republic Act No. 11713, also known as the “Excellence in Teacher Education Act”.

Nuclear Energy

SLU SEA and DOE organize 2024 Symposium of Nuclear Energy 

To raise awareness on the Nuclear Industry in the Philippines, Saint Louis University’s (SLU) School of Architecture and Engineering, in partnership with the Nuclear Energy Program Inter-Agency Committee (NEP-AC) Subcommittee 4- Human Resource Infrastructure from the Department of Energy (DOE), hosted the Nuclear Energy Summit on 8 May 2024 at the Fr. Francis Gevers Hall, Diego Silang Building, SLU Main Campus. 

“Project MaTuto” mass tutorial initiative by SEAHS continues to help SEA students

The School of Engineering and Architecture Honor Society (SEAHS) embarked on a mission to support SEA students in their academic journey through Project MaTuto. Initially targeting freshmen and sophomores preparing for preliminary examinations in September 2023, this initiative has evolved into a cornerstone of academic support within the School of Engineering and Architecture at Saint Louis University.