SLU University Registrar is CHED-AREI-CAR newly-elected President

Saint Louis University University Registrar, Andrew S. Macalma, PhD, was elected as the President of the Commission on Higher Education Association of Registrars of Educational Institutions in the Cordilleras, Inc. (CHED-AREI-CAR) during the Strategic Planning and Meeting on 2 February 2024 at CARASUC Hall, 3rd Floor, CHED CAR Building, Cabanao Road, Km. 6, La Trinidad, Benguet.

National Science and Technology Program

SLU showcases Science initiatives of the Basic Education School at the National Science and Technology Program (NSciTP)

In line with the MATATAG Agenda of the Department of Education and the directives laid out in the National Learning Recovery Program, the Bureau of Curriculum Development – Curriculum Standards Development Division (BCD-CSDD) orchestrated a Consultative Meeting for the NSciTP on 22-26 January 2024, at Red Hotel, Cubao, Quezon City. Through the Coordinating Council of…


Towards “Improving the Livelihood of MSMEs through Cable-Supported Water and Transport Infrastructure”: DOST Secretary and Execom visit SLU

The Secretary of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST), Dr. Renato U. Solidum, Jr., along with the members of DOST Executive Committee graced Saint Louis University with their presence on 11 January 2023 at the Fr. Francis Gevers Hall to visit the approved DOST-assisted and DOST-Grants-in-Aid-funded project (DOST GIA), “Improving the livelihood of MSMEs through Cable Supported Water and Transport Infrastructure.” 

UI GreenMetric World University Rankings 2023

SLU is a certified green campus, ranked 658th worldwide in the UI GreenMetric World University Rankings 2023

In its first time participating, Saint Louis University (SLU) broke ground in being ranked 658th in the UI GreenMetric World University Rankings 2023 released on 5 December 2023.  With a total score of 5,732, affirming the continued prominence and consistent track record of the University in its advocacy towards sustainability as a green campus, SLU…

OPPO ColorOSHack 2023

SLU BS Computer Science Student is among Top 10 Finalists for OPPO ColorOSHack 2023, set to deliver pitch in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

by Ms. Josephine S. Dela Cruz, SAMCIS Saint Louis University’s BS in Computer Science student, Mr. Manmeet Singh, emerged as one of the top 10 finalists for the OPPO ColorOSHack 2023, sponsored by OPPO and ColorOS, organized by Plug and Play APAC. Mr. Singh’s Healthcare project is a personal health assistant that predicts users’ health…