The Department of Science and Technology, Science Teacher Academy for the Regions under the Science Education Institute (DOST-SEI STAR) invited Ms. Dorothy Silva to be one of the resource persons/facilitators in training private school Mathematics and Science teachers in the Parochial Schools of Negros which was held from December 5-7, 2022 in Bacolod City, Negros Occidental.
This event is a collaborative effort of DOST-SEI Project STAR, Negros Inter-Diocesan Association of Parochial Schools, and SLU-School of Teacher Education and Liberal Arts (STELA) under the leadership of Dr. Josette Biyo, Rev. Fr. Hubert M. Javellana, LPT, Ph.D., and Dr. Felina P. Espique, respectively.
The elementary, junior, and senior high school teachers of the different Parochial Schools of the Diocese were assisted in incorporating communication and language strategies into science and mathematics lessons for more effective delivery of content through a series of workshops on language strategies in teaching math and science. A set of outputs from them enriched their lesson planning on how to focus on building vocabulary, composing with keywords, metacognition, defining terms, and accomplishing profiles and frames as strategies.