On 04 October 2023, Saint Louis University (SLU) held a series of Eucharistic Celebrations for the launch of Rosary and Mission Month at the Prince Bernhard Gym. With the theme, “Collaborators in the Same Mission Like Mary and the Apostles,” the celebrations reminded the Louisian community of its social duties in the light of missions that go beyond borders.
As the celebrant of the mass and President of SLU, Rev. Fr. Gilbert B. Sales, CICM, exhorted everyone to pray the rosary. He added that Lousians continue fulfilling their Missio to spread love and compassion and be a blessing to those around them. By contributing one’s talents, wisdom, resources, and experiences, the work of missions is fulfilled in both words and deeds.

Underscored as well during the launching of the Rosary and Mission Month is the goal to continually strive to be faithful to the mission of CICM and the church of bringing about the transformation of societies and the coming of the Kingdom. All Louisians are called to continue the advocacy to “be of service to others”.
In addition, in this month of prayer and missions, Pope Francis invites all Catholics to pray the Rosary and pray for peace in Ukraine and in all war-torn regions, in addition to praying for the Synod of Bishops on synodality. Pope Francis reminded pilgrims and believers following the Sunday Angelus prayer that October is the month of the Rosary and of missions. “Let us pray for peace in the tormented Ukraine and in all lands wounded by war,” he said. In addition to praying for peace, he asked for prayers to evangelize the world.