Philippine Folk Dances take center stage in 3-Day Reg’l Folk Dance Workshop 2023

In an effort to conserve the diverse cultural heritage embedded in Philippine Folk Dances, the Philippine Folk Dances Society-Cordillera Administrative Region (PFDS-CAR), in partnership with Saint Louis University’s Center for Culture and the Arts (SLU-CCA), orchestrated a three-day Regional Folk Dance Workshop 2023 at the Prince Bernhard Gymnasium from 16 to 18 November 2023.


Saint Louis University (SLU), in partnership with the Catholic Educational Association of the Philippines–Cordillera Administrative Region (CEAP-CAR), hosted the SALAMAT SANA Session where Catholic Schools’ administrators, teachers, students, and parents or alumnus as stakeholders gathered to listen to their sentiments and ideas. The session was held last 18 November 2023 in Fr. Gevers Hall, Silang Building, SLU. 

SLU-STEM Participates in NAST-UP, NISMED Futures Thinking Workshop

In a significant stride toward advancing the landscape of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education in the Philippines, Saint Louis University (SLU) made a noteworthy contribution to the recently concluded Workshop on the Futures of Philippine STEM Education, which took place from 7 to 9 November 2023, at the Science Teacher Training Center (STTC), UP NISMED, Diliman, Quezon City.

SLU, Mining Operations sign MOA to Forge Engineering Careers for Louisians

Saint Louis University’s (SLU) Chemical & Mining Engineering Department welcomed guests from Oceanagold Philippines Inc. (OGPI), Coral Bay Nickel Corporation (CBNC) and the Mines and Geosciences Bureau as they gathered in Sirib Center at the Otto Hahn Building, last 14 November 2023 for the signing of the memorandum of agreement and conferring of grants ceremony.