Building on Brownfield Sites- Part of SLU Environmental Programs

Bishop Carlito Cenzon, D.D. Sports Center- This facility was built on the lot where the former SLUCovered Courts were located. SLU’s Bishop Carlito Cenzon, D.D Sports Center includes two indoormultifunctional courts and rock-climbing facilities that are used for fitness courses and employee-studentrecreational activities. The newly built SLU Parking building is also in this facility. The…

CHED IAS awards SLU the Global Citizenship Awards in the 2022 ASEAN ICONS Internationalization Awards

Saint Louis University has just been recognized by the Commission on Higher Education(CHED) as the winner for the Global Citizenship Awards (Category A – Private HEI) during the 2022 ASEAN ICONS Internationalization Awards for the Massive Online Open Course Program (MOOC), a collaboration between SLU and the ERASMUS+ FRIENDS Project and SLU English Program and the United States…

BINNADANG: SLU pursues “Bayanihan” mission with Extension and Outreach Programs and Social Services

Charmaine P. Mendoza Saint Louis University Community Extensions and Outreach Programs Office (SLU-CEOPO) conducted a general orientation with its connection with the Sustainable Development Goals of the community extension and outreach programs at Fr. Francis Gevers Hall on August 25. The orientation highlighted the Catholic Educational Association of the Philippines (CEAP)- Justice and Peace, Engaged…