Scientific Session

SLU Biology Department and Fr. Braeckman Museum of Natural History host 1st Scientific Session of NRCP-Biological Sciences

On 8 December 2023, the National Research Council of the Philippines (NRCP), Division of Biological Sciences (V) organized its first Scientific Session in partnership with the SLU Biology Department and Fr. Braeckman Museum of Natural History (BMNH). Conducted as a hybrid session, face-to-face participants gathered at the Saint Louis University (SLU) Braeckman Museum for the research presentations in line with the theme “Achieving a Healthy and Sustainable Future Among Filipinos Through Plant Food and Nutrition Research in the Philippines”.

September 2023 Licensure Examination for Teachers

SLU is among Top-Performing Schools in the September 2023 Licensure Examination for Teachers, Secondary Level

On 7 December 2023, the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announced the list of top performing schools in the September 2023 Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) given by the Board of Professional Teachers. Saint Louis University is Rank 10 among the Top-Performing Schools nationwide in the Secondary Level with a 91.49% passing rate, solidifying the commitment…


SLU to support and provide assistance for cable-supported irrigation pipeline for Batwag, Ambongdolan, Tublay through DOST-NICER Program

Through the DOST-NICER Program, Saint Louis University, in collaboration with the LGU of Tublay specifically in Barangay Ambongdolan, will provide technical support and assistance to develop and install cable supported structures and system intended for irrigation and transportation of agricultural products to foster the needs of farmers, assess existing cable-supported infrastructure and mapping of the identified pilot sites, design and fabricate an enhanced cable-supported water and transport infrastructure and install and conduct actual performance testing of the deployed cable-supported infrastructure.