TRUST project meeting with partners from europe, philippines

Saint Louis University Joins the EU and Partner South Asian HEIs in TRUST Project Meeting and Study Visit at the University of Studies Guglielmo Marconi, Italy

On September 21 to 23, 2022, Saint Louis University participated in the TRUST Project Meeting and Study Visit at the University of Studies Guglielmo Marconi, Rome, Italy, along with other partner- Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) from Vietnam and the Philippines, namely, Mapua University, and the University of Cebu, as well as the Industry Partner Fintech Philippines Association represented by its current Trustee and past Chairman Mr. Jove Tapiador. The TRUST (Financial Technology and digital innovation to modernize and develop cUrricula of Vietnamese and the Philippines UniversiTies) Project is a transnational venture and a European Project funded by the Erasmus Plus programme at capacity building in the area of Finance and Technology in the Asian Universities.

Dr. Joselito Gutierrez

SLU Celebrates  2022 Season of Creation and the 2022 Indigenous Peoples Month; Launches the Inclusive Education Resource Center and the Sustainable Development Goals Center

The season of creation is a call for everyone to come together to heal man’s relationship with creation and his fellowmen. Being one with creation has long been taken to heart by our Indigenous People who knew long before modernization that sustainable development and inclusion as a way of life fosters harmony with the earth. Saint Louis University celebrated four important occasions last October 11, 2022.

Exploring Partnership with UNDP Field Coordinator

In line with the UN SDG 17 (Partnership with the Goals), Saint Louis University, through the School of Engineering and Architecture and the Office of the President conducted an exploratory meeting on September 27, 2022 with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Field Coordinator, Dr. Marjorie Balay-as on possible collaborations on the Low-Carbon Transport System…

SLU Working Toward International Rankings, Ratings, and Recognitions

In line with the second of the three-point agenda of Rev. Fr. Gilbert B. Sales, CICM on sustaining excellence and quality in Catholic education, it is empirical that all programs, activities, and curriculum from the Basic Education to the Graduate School meet, achieve, and practice international standards. The Office of the Institutional Development and Quality…