Louisian is Top 7 in the Certified Public Accountant Licensure Exam
Out of the top ten performing CPALE examinees, Louisian Neftali Blase Guevarra Suarez from the SLU School of Accountancy, Management, Computing, and Information Studies is Top 7.
Out of the top ten performing CPALE examinees, Louisian Neftali Blase Guevarra Suarez from the SLU School of Accountancy, Management, Computing, and Information Studies is Top 7.
The collaboration between Saint Louis University and NorthCon brings the first-ever campus edition to NorthCon’s conference series entitled, “COMMversations: Ethical Content Creation and the Digital Landscape,” held on May 15, 2023.
Saint Louis University (SLU) welcomed 26 delegates from the the Ministry of Trade, Investments and Tourism of the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (MTIT-BARMM) and representatives from the Department of Trade and Industry Cordillera Administrative Region (DTI-CAR) last 22 May 2023, as it facilitated the Coffee Quality Training and Benchmarking from 21 to 26 May 2023 in Benguet, Philippines.
In pursuant to the sustainable development goals of Quality Education, Gender Equality, and Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions, the Kataas-taasang Sanggunian ng mga Mag-aaral/Supreme Student Council (KASAMA/SSC) School of Teacher Education and Liberal Arts (STELA) Assembly organized “Know Your Rights: A Seminar Series.”
Trust, Equality, Passion, Honesty, and Teamwork. These values were highlighted and reinforced during the SLU Marching Band’s Team Building and Recollection activity last April 3 – 4, 2023, at Bauang, La Union.
Engr. Edward Galera Cabutotan, an alumnus of the Mechanical Engineering Department of the School of Engineering and Architecture of SLU, is Top 1 in the April 2023 Master Plumbers Special Professional Licensure Examination. Eng. Cabutotan is one of five Louisians who took the said examination this year. Based on the results released by the Professional…
As a celebration of all the efforts and sacrifices of the SEA athletes, coaches, and all people involved, a celebration was held on May 06, 2023, called “Sampuso, Sandiwa.”
Louisian chemical engineer, Engr. Alexander Martinez Busto of the Chemical Engineering Department of the School of Engineering and Architecture is Top 6 in the Chemical Engineers Licensure Examination of May 2023.
In collaboration with the SLU Sustainable Development Goals Center, Saint Louis University- American Corner Baguio conducted a three-day lecture workshop on Civil Society Certification from May 9-11 on the 3rd Floor, Msgr. Charles Vath Library Audio Visual Room.
by Alec Benjamin P. Lingan, Vice President for Administration, SICAP On April 22, 2023, the alumni virtual roundtable, “Hiraya Manawari,” was held via Zoom and Facebook Live to provide encouragement, tips, and greater knowledge to Louisian students as they venture into entering the workforce. The roundtable discussion featured a dialogue among the alumni figures from…