Eurasia Forum

SLU joins 15th Eurasia Forum of Social Workers

The 15th Eurasia Forum for Social Workers, held in the vibrant Province of Chonburi, Thailand, came to a close on 22 March 2024, after three days of insightful discussions, workshops, and networking opportunities. The event, which brought together social work professionals, academics, and policymakers from across the Eurasian region, aimed to explore innovative approaches to addressing social challenges and promoting sustainable development.

Project ARCHIE finalist in THE Awards Asia 2024 Research Project of the Year for Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences

Project ARCHIE (Agri Robot for Crop Health in Insect Control), a capstone project and invention of Engr. Carol Bernadette Domalsin, who emanated from the Saint Louis University Master in Manufacturing Engineering and Management program of the School of Advanced Studies, was  among the top 8 projects of Times Higher Education (THE) Awards Asia 2024 Research Project of the Year for Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences. 

Patricia Evangelista

SLU participates in Pakaistoryaan Author Book Talk on Patricia Evangelista’s “Some People Need Killing”

On 26 April 2024, Saint Louis University participated in the “Pakaistoryaan Author Book Talk” and launch of trauma journalist Patricia Evangelista’s book “Some People Need Killing” (SPNK) held at the UC Theater, University of the Cordilleras, Baguio City. Atty. Shellah Yzanne P. Merced, SLU Vice President for Administration, led the third and fourth year BA Communication students, as well as representatives from White and Blue, the official student publication of SLU. 

Faith, Gratitude, and Thanksgiving: Commemorating 32 Years of Rev. Fr. Gilbert’s Missionary Service

With a heart of compassion and service, Rev. Fr. Gilbert’s dedication to the precepts of the Word and to the mandate of the CICM vision and mission expanded borders in the mission field, embodying two core creeds embedded in the Louisian identity: Sapientia Aedificat and Misio et Excellentia – “Wisdom Builds” and “Mission and Excellence.”

Internatinalization Week

SLU holds 2024 Internationalization Week to foster cultural diversity, global engagement

Saint Louis University (SLU) held the opening ceremony of the four-day Internationalization Week organized by the Office of Global Relations and Alumni Affairs (OGRAA) on 23 April 2024 at the Fr. Francis Gevers Hall, Diego Silang Building, SLU Main Campus. With the theme, “Celebrating Diversity, Connecting Cultures,” international students, school administrators, faculty members and promoters of internationalization took part in the celebration of the pursuit and accomplishments of internationalization.


SLU holds 2024 iCREaTe to promote sustainable research and innovation

On 17 April 2024, Saint Louis University (SLU) held the opening ceremony of the two-day annual Innovation in Creative, Research, Extensions, and Technology (iCREaTe) through its University Research Innovation Center (UnRIC). Themed “Seeds of Sustainability: Cultivating Young Minds for Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Impact: the event gathered the Lousian community to showcase their creative and innovative research outputs, fostering a sense of responsibility to contribute to global sustainability. 

Legal Feminism

SC presents “Legal Feminism in Philippine Gender Jurisprudence” study in SLU

SLU hosted the lecture on “Legal Feminism in Philippine Gender Jurisprudence” at the Fr. Joseph Van den Daelen CICM Center for Culture and the Arts Theater. In the said event, the Supreme Court  (SC) of the Philippines, through Associate Justice Maria Filomena D. Singh, Co-Chairperson of the SC Committee on Gender Responsiveness in the Judiciary (CGRJ), presented the aforesaid study, supported by the European Union’s Governance in Justice (GOJUST) II Programme to SLU law faculty and students.